JC at the End of the Pavement
By Janice Boling

JC was a regular at the End of the Pavement.

He was a country boy that loved a good game of horseshoes.

JC Totherow

JC with black ball cap

JC was a character that everyone liked. He was always friendly and polite.

Jason and JC Totherow

Jason and JC

You could tell these two were father and son.

I think we were at JC's mother-in-law's house on Shotgun Alley.

JC and Carleen

JC and Carleen

This couple found each other later in life. I think they made each other very happy.

three men with beers in the woods

Duke, JC, and Eddie

We saw all of these men at the End of the Pavement on a regular basis.

man and woman outdoors

JC and Karen in 1983

I don't remember where we were at or what we were doing but I bet it was fun with these two along.

man and woman outdoors

JC and Noreen

JC was married to this pretty lady for a while. I think they had a daughter.

See more pictures of JC on Billy Carver's page.




Email: hometown30512@yahoo.com

© 2018 - 2020 by Janice Boling

Web Design, photos, and content development by Janice Boling