Pam and her family
By Janice Boling

Pam and her family were a blessing to many people.

Pam, Trisha, Phillip, and I had some great times together. Pam also had an older brother, David, but he was a homebody.

Pam with baby

Pam and Farah

Pam was holding her first grandchild -- Andy's girl Farah.

Pam and friends at Sea Creek Falls

Pam took pictures at Sea Creek Falls in Coopers Creek

This was around 1980. Angie, Tim, Eddie, Pam, Bill, Dwayna, Jimmy, Shane, John, Tony, and Lisa are sitting beside the water on some old rock pilings. I am standing in the creek with my own camera.

Pam had a lot of friends. People were attracted to her friendly smile and outgoing personality. Pam never met a stranger and made everyone she met feel special.

Pam, Phillip, and Melissa

Pam, Phillip, and Melissa

These were the good old days. Phillip was Pam's brother and Melissa was Phillip's wife.

Trish and Josh

Trish and Josh

Trish was Pam's sister and also one of my best friends. She was a regular at the End of the Pavement. Her son and daughter grew up there.

Josh, Trisha's son, was very kind-hearted. One time he let me have his bedroom for a month while I was staying with his mom. Most teenagers would have pitched a fit about sleeping on the couch, but not Josh. He was a good boy and smart as a whip.

Josh, Pam, and Presley
Josh, Pam, and Presley

Pam loved getting together with family and friends. She had a sunny personality that lit up the room.

Presley was Trisha's first grandchild and Pam's great neice.

Pam and Joanne

Pam and Joanne relaxed on a couch.

We were at Ma Murray's cabin on Lake Nottely. Notice Joanne's Champagne Jam t-shirt. I missed that one.

Pam and Joanne were fun to be around. Both of them were the life of the party.

Pam with necklace

Pam with necklace

Pam was having fun with friends on this beautiful day. Things were always fun when Pam was around.

Jan and Andy in the Cove

Jan and Andy in Bill Bowers Cove

Andy was Pam's oldest son. He was a curious boy, taking things apart and fixing things. He was in to everything!

Pam and I were best friends for many years and I loved her whole family.

Pam puffs a cigarette

Pam puffed a cigarette

Tony, Pam, and Raymond were at a party in Bill Bowers Cove. We had some great times there.

party at Wolfe Creek

Pam and Gary G at Wolf Creek

That was probably Dwayne England in the middle.

Pam in White County

Pam and an unidentified man

We were at a party over towards Helen, Georgia.

In the late 80's, Pam and I hung out in White County occasionally -- Helen had bars and a liquor store!

It also had a group of Satan worshipers. After finding out about them, we quit going to Helen.

Lisa and Pam with kids

Misty, Lisa, Brandy, Pam, and Cory

Cory was just a baby riding on his mom's hip. He was Pam's second child. Now Cory is better known as Bean.

Lisa was Joe's first cousin and a good friend. See pictures of Lisa and her children on the Joe Fox and family page.

Pam and Andy

Pam and Andy

Pam was a good mother and wife. She loved her family with all of her heart.

Josh and Timmy

Josh and Timmy on bicycles

Josh was about ten in this picture. Timmy isn't much older. Timmy belonged to the Harkin's clan.

Pam in the beans

Pam was picking beans.

We both helped her dad in the bean fields. She picked the low growing beans and I got the high ones.

Farris taught us to pinch them off the vine instead of pulling. Her mom cooked pole beans up by the gallons.

After picking beans, we would come home to a pot of beans, cornbread, potatoes, and other delicious meals that Ruby and Trisha fixed for us. One of them usually made a cake, too.

We earned enough to have some spending money but had to fight heat stroke, bees, spiders, and pack-saddles. Thank God we never saw a snake.

Phillip and Deb

Phillip and Deborah were friends.

Phillip was a handsome man and Deb was a beautiful lady. Phillip had a heart of gold, was a good father, and loyal friend.

Deborah was married to Len. She was also a loyal friend.

Cory, Andy, Steve, and Pam

Cory, Andy, Steve, and Pam

I loved this family. Pam and Steve were good parents and opened their home to many people.

They fed me many times. Steve would fire up the grill and Pam would fix side dishes and desserts.

Friends would drop by with all their kids. Adults, teenagers, and children of every age loved to visit them on Watts Creek. Pam and Steve's hospitality was legendary.

red corvette

Pam's corvette

When Pam and I rode around Blairsville in this shiny red vet, we turned a few heads.





© 2018 - 2020 by Janice Boling

Web Design, photos, and content development by Janice Boling