Tammy at the End of the Pavement
By Janice Boling

Tammy was a regular at the End of the Pavement.

She was a caring person with a heart of gold. She could also throw a mean horseshoe.

Adrian, Tammy, Leanne, and Candice

Adrian, Tammy, Leanne, and Candice

Posing by the creek, we took several shots on this summer day. Tammy helped me gather up these guys for a photo shoot. Candice was not sure whether she wanted to participate or not. I was glad she did -- what a little cutie.

Tammy on a horse

Tammy and her horse

Tammy looked good on that horse. She was the cowgirl of our crowd.

When Tammy was with Martin, they let some of the children ride bareback. They put them up on the horse and led them around so no one would get hurt.

Adrian, Candice, and Jason were so excited! That was a day to remember.

Adrian on a horse

Adrian on a horse

Candice on a horse

Candice on a horse

Jason on a horse

Jason on a horse




Email: hometown30512@yahoo.com

© 2018 - 2020 by Janice Boling

Web Design, photos, and content development by Janice Boling